el Catavinos (the Winetaster)

Offers wine reviews of wines tasted in and available in Colorado Springs and Denver. General wine information, especially on the health benefits of wine.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007


On the topic of winetasting, which I haven't taken the time to do lately, I will be phasing in a new scoring system for my tastings. We just went to a fantastic tasting at the Colorado Mountain Winefest, where I estimate I tasted at least forty wines. Having been introduced to a new system of scoring the day before, I do say that it would have been near impossible to use the new scoring in such a setting, where judging a wine takes place in a manner of seconds and not over a longer period of time. The new scoring system is a true 20 point system, while I consider Wine Spectator's system to be 20 points as well since they consider anything under 80 to be vomitous filth, this one is going to be 0 to 20, not 80 to 100. That said, I believe the system to be the UC Davis scoring method, it judges the wine on 5 different areas. The first is 0-3 points for appearance. The second is 0-6 points for aroma and bouquet, with the third category being 0-6 points for taste and texture. I really like this because it weighs the most important parts more heavily than the somewhat less important. The final categories are 0-3 points for aftertaste and 0-2 points for overall impression. This finally gives me a scorable system to use based on my own sensory observations, not just the whim of the moment as can be sometimes done when one doesn't have a defined sytem to follow. Drink up and I shall do the same and bring you better wine reviews than ever!!

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Monday, September 03, 2007

Colorado Mountain Winefest

The Colorado Mountain Winefest comes to Palisade and Grand Junction next weekend, it's the biggest wine event for all you Colorado Wine fans, be there and have a great time!

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